CanSpace Solutions is Canada's leading domain registrar and web hosting provider. Trusted by Canada's largest Corporations!
About CanSpace
At CanSpace Solutions, we have been providing enterprise-level hosting solutions since 1998. We cater specifically to Canadian individuals, businesses, and government organizations. We service companies of all sizes - ranging from small sole proprietorships to large multinational companies - with equal levels of dedication and support. We always value your business, and it is this philosophy that has kept us successful throughout our existence.
Our head office is located here in Canada. Our datacentres, along with all of our servers, are located in Canada. All our employees are here in Canada, and we only bill in Canadian dollars. We are the leading Canadian .ca domain registrar. We are trusted by Canada's largest companies and organizations. In case you haven't guessed it yet, CanSpace is a very proudly Canadian company - just like your own.
We pride ourselves on our performance, and our support. Clients regularly switch to us because of performance issues they have been having with their previous providers, email deliverability issues with other providers, or non-existent support when they need it. We have the lowest churn rate in the industry because we value our clients and realize how important it is to have a reliable, fast performing website, and to have your email delivered 100% of the time.
As mentioned, CanSpace is trusted by some of Canada's leading corporations. Here is a small sample of companies and government entities we count as our clients:
The Government of BC
Federation of Dental Hygiene Regulators of Canada
Canadian Hard of Hearing Association
Gordon Neighbourhood House
Canadian Down Syndrome Society
Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business
BC Pension Corporation
Ottawa Gatineau Hotel Association
Aurora Broadband
Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family
Frontenac County
Federation of Dental Hygiene Regulators of Canada
Crohn's and Colitis Canada
Construction Foundation of BC
City of St. John's
City of Burlington
Canadian Tax Foundation
Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society BC
Canadian Language Museum
Canadian Children's Opera Company
Canada Institute of Linguistics
Ottawa Central Station Inc
Ontario Craft Brewers
McGill University
Volunteer Canada
The Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations
The Corporation of The City of Brantford
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