“中国公众健康网“是由中国科学技术协会组织创办的公益性健康科普网站,是国家科技支撑项目“公众健康知识及技术筛选与评价研究” 项目成果的发布平台,该网站汇集了中华医学会、中国药学会、中华预防医学会、中华中医药学会、中国社区卫生协会、中国营养学会、中国心理卫生协会、中国体育科学学会的优秀健康科普资源。“中国公众健康网”由中国医学科学院医学信息研究所开发并维护。
About us:
CHealth Online is a non-profit and public-accessible website with health information in Chinese language. It aims to provide Chinese speakers and readers around world with comprehensive, unbiased, authoritative and up-to-date information on a wide range of health topics.
CHealth Online, launched in 2010, is supported by the National Key Technology R&D Program of China. The CHealth website is produced and maintained by the Institute of Medical Information & Library at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences. All its contents are provided and reviewed by highly-recognized associations in medical sciences in China including: Chinese Medical Association, Chinese Pharmaceutical Association, and Chinese Prevention Medicine Association.
From CHealth Online, users can learn about the latest heath news, their nutrition needs and their concerned wellness issues anytime and anywhere. At present, CHealth includes eight health knowledge bases covering objective descriptions on diseases, drugs, symptoms, clinical tests, medical devices, hospitals, health providers, and health policies respectively. In addition, it includes hundreds of consumer health monographs on daily healthcare topics such as healthy dietary, daily exercise, mental health, chronic disease healthcare, maternal and child healthcare.
CHealth Online aims to help users better understand their health and diagnosed disorders, and help build up healthy lifestyles.
Neither specific medical advices nor products are endorsed.
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