For 60 years — since 1963 to be exact — Graphic Design USA (GDUSA) has been a source of news and information for graphic designers and the broader creative community. We are located on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan NYC, on the same famed avenue and just a few blocks down from where the first edition was conceived and produced.
GDUSA covers news, people, project, trends, technology, products, and services. In addition to the print magazine, the brand now encompasses a 110,000 visitor-a-month website, a monthly e-newsletter, a digital edition of the magazine, and several national design competitions that culminate in showcases of the best in Graphic Design, Package Design, Web Design, Inhouse Design, and Health+Wellness Design.
Other initiatives include annual recognition of leading Graphic Designers to Watch and promising Students To Watch, Socially Responsible Designers, Top Design Schools, and periodic benchmark reader surveys on the state of print and paper in design, technology in design, design education, stock imagery in design, and much more.
Sign up for a print subscription or our monthly enewsletter today!
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