CSS Winner is a unique global platform awarding and showcasing the best websites and promoting innovative web designers, developers and agencies. We popularize the websites designed elsewhere through CSS Winner, increasing competence and coherence in collation and awarding them.
One of the largest CSS gallery collection showcases 'entry level' designed websites as a whole, leading them to the 'nominee level' taking cognizance of designed websites and finally, to the most prestigious 'award winning level'. To make this possible, we have 6 designer laureate working for CSS Winner internationally. They are on the close watch of each submission assessing the quality of the websites by considering the usability, creativity and content. All of them are proficient in this process and well experienced in the domain of website/graphic designing.
Evaluation System
The submission is enhanced and each entry will be added to our Nominee list after the consideration of our team to check their Design, Usability, Content and Functionality to meet our selection criteria. The selected submission will be intimated through e-mail.
The worldwide viewers of CSS Winner may admire the contestant websites with their aesthetics, appealing features, clarity in understanding, uniqueness and vote them. We take their votes into consideration to mark a 20% of the total ranking. This will be added to the appraisal of the judging panel, which reserves the 80% of the total ranking. Also the submissions with total score 75% or more have an edge to be titled under 'Site of the Day'.
The websites showcased in the CSS Nominee will be examined by our team keeping industry standards and its acceptability and adaptability makes a Site of the Day. SOTD (site of the day) website will be highlighted in our home page. The matter will be publicized through social media network to make the stuff popularized.
Websites fall into Nominees after the evaluation of the team, or it’s a very first step to be a winning work.
We named exceptional works as Stars, or its the next level to nominees.It can be viewed in the Stars segment of our website.
Site of the Day (SOTD)
Winning works or Daily winners are Site of the Day, SOTD works will be highlighted in our home page.
Site of the Month (SOTM)
The winning websites are in a tight competition to be titled under Site of the Month. It is a privilege for a website to be a SOTM at CSS Winner. These websites are placed among other websites of the same class of the designer community and can be viewed in the Site of the Month segment of our website.
Agency & Freelancer Profiles
Profiles is to centralize your brand’s presence and maximize engagement with your visitors. The new profile feature lets digital agencies and designers create a complete profile which include Designs, Brand Information, Works, Awards, Services, Social Links etc.
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