
Sohu.com Limited (NASDAQ: SOHU) was established by Dr. Charles Zhang, one of China’s internet pioneers, in the 1990s. As a mainstream media platform, Sohu is indispensable to the daily life of millions of Chinese, providing a network of web properties and community based products which continually offer a broad array of choices regarding information, entertainment and communication to the vast number of Sohu users. Sohu has built one of the most comprehensive matrices of Chinese language web properties, consisting of the leading online media destinations Sohu News App, mobile news portal m.sohu.com, PC portal www.sohu.com; online video website tv.sohu.com; and the online games platform www.changyou.com/en/.

网址标签:搜狐体育 搜狐体育网 https://sports.sohu.com/
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