
人气指数: 更新时间: 2022-12-11
ICP备案: 苏ICP备15055089号 加入收藏


    公司自主研发的产品——“单,双甘油脂肪酸酯”,为我公司核心产品,该产品由含有C16和C18 氢化油与甘油反应后经过分子蒸馏技术而制得,是单硬脂酸甘油酯和单棕榈酸甘油酯的混合物。是国际公认无害的不限量添加的非离子型表面活性剂之一 。该产品可广泛应用于食品添加剂,是制作优质面制品的重要改良剂和乳化剂,可作蛋糕的起泡剂,可作糖果、巧克力增塑剂,是冰淇淋的乳化稳定剂,饮料稳定增稠剂,肉制品淀粉及薯制品、饼干、麻辣膨化食品改良剂,是食品消泡剂,酵母保护剂及水果保鲜剂。该产品还是现代塑料工业理想的助剂,可助发泡、抗收缩,助润滑,辅助抗静电,抗雾化、抗滴流,还能辅助增塑、助改性。目前我们的产品不但遍布国内各地,还出口至欧美、东南亚、非洲等多个地区。

    近几年来,公司先后通过ISO9001认证,通过ISO22000认证,通过MUI清真认证,通过KOSHER犹太认证,获得食品生产许可证及出口食品添加剂企业备案书。公司是GB 1886.65-2015 《食品安全国家标准 食品添加剂 单,双甘油脂肪酸酯》标准的主要起草单位。公司被评为高新科技企业和江苏省民营科技企业,公司自主研发的多项产品被认定为江苏省高新技术产品。“海棠”、“佳力士”两大品牌得到国内外广大客户的高度认同,成为业界知名企业。


Jialishi Additives (Haian) Co., Ltd was set up in Nov.of 2009 with the company's registered capital one hundred million,which locates at  Haian County,Nantong City of Jiangsu Province,the transportation logistics hub center of the central section area of Jiangsu Province, and covers 68.68 mu. On the basis of the predecessor of Guangzhou Jialishi Food Co.,Ltd. (now name changed to Guangzhou Jialishi Food Trade Co.,Ltd.), the company constantly develops the new production to meet the customer requirements relying on the research and development strength by increasing the investment and adopting the latest technology at home and abroad.The company is one of the largest and the completest production base of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids.

The product of Mono- and Diglycerides of Fatty Acids is our core product,which is made by molecular distillation technology after reaction of hydrogenated oil containing C16 and C18 and glycerin ,its the mixture of the glycerin monostearate and glycerin monopalmitate.
