

截至2023年6月30日,西山科技专利获批总量突破1000项,国家 III 类医疗器械注册证6项,II 类医疗器械注册证40余项,牵头起草了7项手术动力装置相关国家医疗器械行业标准,是我国手术动力装置领域的领军企业之一。公司先后承担并完成了“十二五”国家科技支撑计划项目“高性能颅脑手术动力装置关键技术研究及产品开发”、国家高技术产业化示范工程项目“颅底与脊柱微创治疗手术动力装置”、重庆市技术创新与应用示范项目“基于真空辅助活检(VAB)技术的乳房活检与旋切系统研发”等多项国家和重庆市的科技攻关和产业化项目,有力支撑了国家在手术动力装置领域的技术布局,为打破外资厂商在该领域的技术和市场垄断作出了贡献。

依托“立足国内,开拓海外”的市场规划,公司产品已在国内近4000家医院投入使用,覆盖全国 31 个省份,并出口德国、西班牙、俄罗斯、巴西、墨西哥、智利、韩国、印度、肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚等30多个国家,形成了良好的用户基础和品牌知名度。

重庆西山科技股份有限公司Chongqing Xishan Science & Technology Co., Ltd.(图1)

Established in 1999, Chongqing Xishan Science & Technology Co., Ltd., a national high-tech enterprise which include R&D, manufacture, sales and service of digital minimally invasive surgical devices and medical consumables, is the National Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise, the Leading Enterprise of the National Bio-industry Base, the winner of China Patent Excellence Award, and the national authorized constitutor of the Industrial Standard for Chinese Electric Osseous Tissue Surgical Instrument.

Focusing on the research and development of minimally invasive surgical equipment for 19 years, Xishan is now owning various products categories such as surgical power devices, endoscope systems, energy surgery equipment, and monitoring systems. In the filed of surgical power devices, Xishan products have developed as national leading brand products and achieved advanced technology level among the world. It obtained the approval of CE Certificate, KFDA, CMD for its DK series, and possesses over 300 patent rights(7 are invention rights), which are the highest among the filed of global surgical power device.

Within the orientation of “Pioneer of Surgical Power Device” and “MIS Product Solutions Provider”, Xishan successively researched and developed products for surgery guiding, surgery tool and MIS. Xishan is now enriching surgical power device products line, the endoscope system, energy surgical equipment and medical consumable will be launched soon. The target of Xishan is to become the global leading surgical technology enterprise and example enterprise in the field of global medical devices, sending products to every hospitals and families over the world, and make contributions to human health care.

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