
无锡兴泰船舶装备有限公司Wuxi Xingtai Shipping Equipment Co.,Ltd(图1)

As a leading manufacturer of personal lifesaving equipment in China,Wuxi Xingtai Shipping Equipment Co.,Ltd. specializes in the manufacture and research of lifebuoys,lifejackets,immersion suits, position-indicating lights, sights devices and liferaft and lifeboat accessories,enjoying high reputation from all over the world for its large and full scale of products, high quality and excellent service.

An efficient quality assurance systemhas been built up according to ISO9001,which is approved by DNV.All the products are developed , tested, manufactured and inspected in comply with SOLAS,LSA Code,MSC.81(70) and other latest international regulations.

We are still making our great efforts in researching and deveoping and hope to have the pleasure to serve you with our better and safer products.

Hope to have the pleasure to serve you with our better and safer products.

No. 30, Xiwen Road, Wenlin, Zhutang Town, Jiangyin City, Jiangsu, China.

