香港电子器材有限公司 成立於一九八五年,是一间为亚太地区半导体丶电子及光电产业提供设备丶材料以及技术销售与服务的公司。早在九零年代中就分别在台湾和新加坡设立分公司,以加强在远东地区的销售及服务能力。九零年代末期,亦在上海设立办事处,以迎接廿一世纪中国地区高科技领域飞腾时代的来临。到目前为止, 公司已於香港丶新加坡丶台湾丶马来西亚丶越南及中国多个城市 (包括北京丶成都丶上海丶深圳丶苏州丶天津丶西安丶厦门丶武汉丶无锡丶合肥及杭州) 设有办事处及服务中心, 为客户提供最佳的服务。

香港电子 作为多种高科技设备制造商在远东地区的总代理,主要服务於半导体封装厂丶晶片生产厂丶液晶显示器厂丶发光二极体厂丶电路板厂,以及各大专院校和研究机构。

香港电子 所聘用的销售及服务人员均为专业工程师,分别具备电子丶电机丶物理或化学学士或硕士学位,并有丰富而实际的应用经验。他们可以熟练地运用中英文(包括能以普通话或方言与客户交流)。经过原厂供应商的培训後,均能迅速地为每一个客户提供直接良好的完整解决方案和售後服务。



香港电子器材有限公司Teltec Semiconductor Pacific Limited(图1)

Teltec Semiconductor Pacific Limited, a technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photonics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region, was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong.

To enhance our operations in the Far East, we established branch offices in Taiwan and Singapore in the early 1990's. At the start of the new millennium, we also set up an office in Shanghai, to cope with our growth in Mainland China. Now the company has Service Centers in Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and various cities in China (e.g. Beijing, Chengdu, Dalian, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Suzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan and Xi'An).

Teltec represents various leading equipment and material manufacturers in the Far East. Our customers include almost all Assembly Houses, Wafer Fabs, LCD Manufacturers and major Universities and Research Institutes in the territories we cover.

The Sales & Services staff of our organisation are qualified engineers (e.g. Phd, MPhil and Degree holders in E Eng., Physics, Chemistry etc) with immense field experience. They speak and write fluent English and Chinese (including Mandarin and local dialects). Above all, factory-trained by the manufacturers to ensure total support satisfaction to our customers.

We understand that after-sales service is of critical importance to our customers and principals. To meet this challenge, we regularly send our engineers to principals' factories for product training or re-training. Teltec has an excellent track record in both Sales and Service that cannot be surpassed by its competitors.

Teltec Semiconductor Pacific Limited

Hong Kong (Headquarters)

Address: Room 2802 Wing On House, 71 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong

Tel: (852) 2521 4213

Fax: (852) 2810 6090


Teltec - Beijing, PRC

Address: 1-2-1602,Tai Hu Jin Mao Yue, Tong Zhou District, Beijing 100176, China

Tel: (86-10) 6262 5658

Fax: (86-10) 6262 9689
