浙江迪丰服饰有限公司成立于1996年,注册资本5800万元,其总部位于浙江省温州市高新区炬光园,拥有现代化标准厂区11000平方米, 高素质员工约580人,并于2011年运营的品牌营销公司搬迁至上海,在上海建立以轻奢品牌、新商务、时尚潮牌的多元化运营的集团总部,并在意大利、上海、温州设立了产品研发中心,与最前沿欧洲时尚、日韩流行元素保持同步开发和设计。数年来,先后引进法国、美国、日本等先进设备500余台,国际先进水平的设备、卓越的流水程序、高标准的制作工艺,保证了迪丰服饰高档品质,现年产高档成衣能力35~40万件。

       迪丰服饰是一家集服装设计、开发、生产、销售于一体的现代化服装企业,专门为国际一、二线品牌、国内一线品牌提供服饰专业设计及成衣制造的服务商与供应商,凭借对世界服饰潮流和国内外服饰消费市场流行趋势的深度把握,设计开发中心集合了国际化的设计师团队,针对不同区域、不同品牌定位的风格特点,开发的产品始终引领着时尚潮流。同时,迪丰服饰执着追求完美的服装制作工艺,无论是面料的选择、裁剪、还是成衣的缝纫、整烫,每一道工序都按照意大利的先进流程严格要求,层层把关,使服装产品在制作工艺上遥遥领先同行。迪丰公司的产品销售覆盖中国内地,产品远销意大利、法国、俄罗斯、美国、韩国等国家,并通过了2007年清洁生产审核、ISO 14001:2015环境管理体系认证、ISO9001-2015质量管理体系认证、ISO 45001:2018职业健康安全管理体系认证、标准良好行为体系认证、计量检测体系认证。

浙江迪丰服饰有限公司Zhejiang Difeng Dress Co., Ltd. (图1)

Zhejiang Difeng Dress Co., Ltd. was established in 1996 with a registered capital of 58 million RMB.The headquarters is located in Juguang Park, Wenzhou High-tech Zone, Zhejiang Province, with a modern standard factory area of 11,000 square meters and about 580 high-quality employees. The brand marketing company operated in 2011 moved to Shanghai, where it established a group headquarters with diversified operations of light luxury brands, new business and fashionable brands, and set up product development centers in Italy, Shanghai and Wenzhou. Over the past few years, more than 500 sets of advanced equipment from France, the United States and Japan have been introduced successively. The international advanced equipment, excellent flow procedure and high-standard manufacturing technology have ensured the high-grade quality of the garments, and the annual output of high-grade ready-to-wear garments is 350,000 to 400,000 pieces.

Zhejiang Difeng Dress Co., Ltd is a modern clothing enterprise that integrates clothing design, development, production and sales. It is a service provider and supplier that provides professional clothing design and ready-to-wear manufacturing for international first-and second-line brands and domestic first-line brands. With a deep understanding of the world clothing trends and the fashion trends of domestic and foreign clothing consumption markets, the design and development center has gathered an international team of designers. According to the style characteristics of different regions and brands, the products developed always lead the fashion trend. At the same time, Our company persistently pursues the perfect garment manufacturing technology. Whether it is the selection and cutting of fabrics, or the sewing and ironing of ready-made garments, every working procedure is strictly required by Italy's advanced process, and checks are made at every level, so that garment products are far ahead of peers in the manufacturing technology. Our company's products cover the mainland of China and are exported to Italy, France, Russia, the United States, South Korea and other countries. Our company has passed the 2007 cleaner production audit, ISO 14001:2015 environmental management system certification, ISO9001-2015 quality management system certification, ISO 45001:2018 occupational health and safety management system certification, standard good behavior system certification and metrological testing system certification.


ADD: No.108# Juke Road., Juguang Garden of High New Zone, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province.


Trade.Dept: Yongfang

M.T:+86 13587742039 

