安徽省凤阳染料化工有限公司Anhui Fengyang Dyestuffs& Chemicals Co., Ltd.


No. 373 hongxin Streer, Mentaizi, Fengyang, Anhui 233121, China

邮编/P C233121




安徽省凤阳染料化工有限公司始建于1987年,地处滁州市凤阳县工业园区,占地170亩,固定资产原值16300万元, 是一家专业生产酸性、弱酸性及中性染料,NK型尼龙专用染料、毛用活性染料、直接染料及中间体的精细化工生产企业,公司技术力量雄厚、产品检测手段先进,年生产设计能力达8000吨,产品注册商标为:妃迪牌,其产品在国内外市场上享有较高的声誉.

Anhui Fengyang Dyes & Chemical Co., Ltd. was founded in 1987 .Fengyang County Industrial Park located in Chuzhou, Covers an area of 170 acres, Fixed assets of RMB 163 million yuan, Is a specialized enterprise of developing an producing acid dyes, Weakly acidic and neutral dyes, NK type reavtive dye for nylon, reactive dyes for Wool and cashmere, Direct dyes and intermediates. The company has fine chemical production enterprises, Strong technical force, Advanced product testing methods.Production design capacity of 8000 tons, Products registered trademarks for: "PHOEBE" brand both in the foreign and domestic markets.