深圳市汇沣电子有限公司ROISCOK Electronics Ltd.


ROISCOK Electronics Ltd. was founded in 1989. During the pasted 20 years, ROISCOK constant progress, strive to create high-quality, with a number of independent intellectual property rights of the anti-theft alarm system and video surveillance systems. As a pioneer in security productsfiled to the development of China’s security industry, and the germination of a batch after batch ROISCOK technology follower. Fortunately, the elegant appearance of the products exchange Symphony has become the consensus of the industry, becoming a symbol of the industry’s high- end quality.

Main Products: Contact information

wired/wireless intruder alarm

products and CCTV cameras Name: Mr. Du Pont

Tel: 0086-755-81753600

Fax: 0086-755-81753605

Address: F/5, Building 4, No.3 Minzhi Industrial District, Minzhi St., Shenzhen, China

Email: market@roiscok.com


主打产品 公司介绍

防盗报警及视频监控器材     深圳市汇沣电子有限公司始创于1989年。在这跨世纪的20年里,深圳汇沣不断进取,竭力打造高品质的、具有多项自主知识产权的防盗报警系统和视频监控系统。深圳汇沣作为安防产品的先驱者,带动了中国安防行业的发展,并萌发出一批又一批汇沣技术的跟随者。值得欣慰的是,汇沣产品的优雅外观已经成为业界同仁的共识,成为了行业高档品质的象征。对安防行业的巨大贡献,已经成为那些默默耕耘的汇沣人的骄傲。深圳汇沣,拥有雄厚的技术实力和人才,专业从事ROISCOK防盗报警系列产品和iDo系列监控产品的科研、生产与销售,系列产品多达百种。我们秉承与世界同步,与时代同行的研发理念,伴随着21世纪的到来,精心打造我们的每一款产品。


联系人: 杜玉良

电 话: 0086-755-81753600

传 真: 0086-755-81753605

地 址: 深圳市宝安区民治街道民治第三工业区4栋5楼

邮 箱: market@roiscok.com