山东蓝诺机械制造有限公司成立于2015年, 是一家集设计、生产、研发于一体的装备制造公司, 高新技术企业,山东省专精特新企业, 山东省军工企业、拥有独立知识产权32项, 研发力量雄厚, 与众多国内一线科研院所保持长期合作关系。公司致力于打造世界先进,国内先进智慧工厂的规划、设计、制作。
公司现有员工128人, 工程技术人员26 人,设计人员11名 其中山东省专家人才库专家2名, 军队专家人才库专家1名, 高级工程师3名, 中级工程师8名。公司有较完备的生产设备及产品检测手段,公司通过了ISO9001-2015质量管理体系,ISO14001-2015环境管理体系和ISO45001-2018职业健康安全管理体系的认证,国际焊接体系认证。公司与山东建筑大学机电学院、齐鲁工业大学,携手成立的产学研合作基地;与中船重工七一一所成立研发、生产基地;与中国一重大连设计院高端装备制造部成立研发、生产基地;与中鲁特种汽车成立军工产品联合研发基地。
Shandong Lanuo Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. was founded in 2015, is a set of design, production, research and development in one of the equipment manufacturing company, high-tech enterprises, Shandong Province specialized special new enterprises, military enterprises in Shandong Province, with independent intellectual property rights 32, strong research and development force, and many domestic first-line scientific research institutes to maintain long-term cooperative relations. The company is committed to building the world's advanced, domestic advanced smart factory planning, design, production.
The company has 128 employees, 26 engineering and technical personnel, 11 designers, including 2 experts from the Shandong Province talent pool, 1 expert from the military talent pool, 3 senior engineers and 8 intermediate engineers. The company has a relatively complete production equipment and product testing means, the company has passed the ISO9001-2015 quality management system, ISO14001-2015 environmental management system and ISO45001-2018 occupational health and safety management system certification, international welding system certification. The company and Shandong Jianzhu University Mechanical and electrical College, Qilu University of Technology, established the industry-university-research cooperation base; Set up R&D and production base with CSIC 711 Institute; Set up R&D and production base with high-end equipment manufacturing Department of a major company design institute in China; Set up a joint R&D base for military products with Zhonglu Special Automobile.