友塔游戏(Yotta Games)于2012年创立, 同年在上海设立中国服务中心,15年在上海设立中国研发中心。我们专注于成为国际化的游戏公司,总雇员人数超1800人。团队核心成员来自全球知名高校和游戏公司,已成功研发多款产品。Yotta Games产品覆盖北美、南美、欧洲、日韩、中东、东南亚、俄罗斯、台港澳等多个国家和地区,拥有来自全球不同国家2亿以上核心用户。

上海友塔网络科技有限公司Shanghai Yotta Network Technology Co., Ltd(图1)

Yotta games was founded in 2012, alongside our Service Center in Shanghai, followed in 2015 by the establishment of the R&D Center. We are focused on becoming an international game company, and we currently employ more than 1800 people. Our core team members have studied in world-renowned universities, have invaluable experience in the video game industry, and together have successfully developed a variety of products. Our games are played in North and South America, Europe, Japan, South Korea, the Middle East, Southeast Asia, Russia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao, and many other countries and regions, with more than 200 million core users worldwide.